
Acquiring Pals through direct capture isn’t the only method to expand your Paldeck in Palworld. Eggs provide an alternative way to grow your collection, and you can enhance this process by optimizing Egg Incubation conditions.

While Eggs offer a passive approach to obtaining new Pals, the waiting period can test one’s patience, particularly when struggling to create ideal incubation conditions. Eggs respond to their surroundings through status indicators, and maintaining proper conditions is essential for continued Hatching progress.

How to optimize Incubator efficiency in Palworld


To enhance Incubator efficiency in Palworld, you must monitor and adjust environmental temperatures until reaching the “Seems very comfortable” status. Modifying game difficulty settings or adjusting hatching parameters will also reduce incubation duration.

The Egg hatching process in Palworld appears straightforward but involves precise environmental control. Basic Eggs may hatch easily, but advanced varieties like Huge Dragon Eggs demand increased attention and specific conditions.

1) Monitor your Eggs’ environment

For faster hatching, you must create optimal environmental conditions. Place your Egg in an Incubator and monitor its status indicator. Excessive heat requires cooling units, while insufficient warmth calls for heating elements.

Optimal conditions are achieved when your Egg’s status displays “Seems very comfortable.”

2) Adjust difficulty parameters


Higher difficulty settings in Palworld extend Egg incubation periods.

  • Navigate to World Settings.
  • Lower your Difficulty to Normal or easier.

To maintain current settings while reducing Hatching duration, modify the “(h) to incubate Massive Egg” parameter.

3) Modify hatching settings through INI files

PC players running dedicated Palworld servers can adjust hatching times through INI configuration files.

  • Locate PalGameWorldSettings.ini in your “SteamLibrary\steamapps\common” directory.
  • Access the file as text and search for “PalEggDefaultHatchingTime.”
  • Setting this value to “1” reduces Large Damp Egg hatching time to 15 minutes at maximum incubation efficiency.

Apply these modifications and restart your Palworld server. Previously incubating Eggs must be removed and replaced to implement these changes.

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