In Hogwarts Legacy, players will discover numerous Merlin Trails scattered throughout the highland regions, including the distinctive Keenbridge Merlin Trial. Here’s a comprehensive guide to completing this magical challenge.
Hogwarts Legacy invites players to immerse themselves in the magical Wizarding World. Players begin their journey as a fifth-year student at the prestigious Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, selecting one of the four historic houses and mastering various magical spells. These spells become essential tools for combating enemies, interacting with fascinating characters, and conquering challenging puzzles.
Throughout the expansive open world, players encounter mysterious Merlin Trials. The game features 95 unique Merlin Trials, varying in difficulty levels. Success requires clever application of spells learned during your magical education at Hogwarts.
Keenbridge Merlin Trial solution in Hogwarts Legacy
Keenbridge, like other villages in the game world, features its own distinct Merlin Trial. However, this particular challenge proves more complex than typical Accio-based puzzles.

Begin by depositing Mallowsweet leaves on the central platform in Keenbridge. Your next objective involves finding both a hollowed-out platform across the river from the trial’s initiation point and a large orb that must be positioned within this platform.

Locate the giant orb behind the shopkeeper’s position southwest of the trial’s starting point, adjacent to a wooden ramp. The orb requires initial manipulation – strike it several times with basic attacks to elevate it onto the wooden ramp. Continue striking until it rolls beyond the ramp and over the small stone barrier. Alternatively, employ Depulso for more powerful upward momentum.
After crossing the wall, use Accio to guide the ball across the bridge. Midway across, you’ll encounter a small elevation requiring additional basic attacks to propel the orb across the river.

Continue directing the orb with basic attacks until reaching the hollowed-out platform opposite the bridge. Complete the trial by carefully positioning the orb into the designated platform space in Hogwarts Legacy.
For additional visual guidance, reference the video demonstration below.