
Strafing is a fundamental technique found in numerous FPS games, including Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 or Counter-Strike 2. It’s an essential combat skill that players must master.

Whether you’re aiming to enhance your mobility, complete a weekly challenge, or earn the Priceless camo for the DG-58 LSW, understanding how to execute strafe kills effectively is crucial. Here’s a guide on strafing kills and strafing mechanics in MW3.

What are strafing kills in MW3?

In MW3 and other shooter games, strafing involves side-to-side movement while maintaining aim and firing at opponents, specifically moving right or left during combat. There are specific weapons, tactics, and perks that can significantly enhance your success with this technique.

How do you strafe in MW3?


To execute a strafe in MW3, you simply need to move sideways while maintaining aim and firing at your opponent. For keyboard and mouse users, this means using the A or D keys, while console players achieve this by moving the left analog stick laterally on their controller.

You can choose between aiming down sights or hip firing—though certain camos, like the DG-58 LSW camo, specifically require hipfire-strafing kills. Beyond rewards, strafing serves as an invaluable movement technique. Rather than remaining stationary when facing enemies, you become a more challenging target through movement.

How to get strafing kills in MW3


For optimal strafing kills, equip the Stalker Boots in your loadout. This footwear significantly improves your lateral movement speed. These boots prove particularly effective when maneuvering around vertical cover, facilitating both aggressive pushes and tactical retreats.

To accumulate strafing kills efficiently, focus on MW3 multiplayer’s compact map playlists featuring locations like Shipment, Rust, Meat, or Stash House which offer intense combat and frequent engagements compared to standard maps and modes.

Simply maintain aim while moving side to side, wait for enemies to enter your line of sight, and secure the kill. Continue moving while eliminating targets with your preferred weapon, and you’ll accumulate kills rapidly.

When pursuing strafe kills with heavier weapons such as LMGs or assault rifles, prioritize attachments that minimize aim down sights time and control recoil. Given the hip-fire requirement, focusing on accuracy becomes particularly important for LMGs.

Follow these guidelines, and you’ll master the art of strafing kills efficiently.

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