Elden Ring’s landscape proves more connected than most players realize. While navigating unfamiliar territories might seem daunting, the rewards at each destination typically justify the journey.
Among the notable locations in Elden Ring’s main game is the Grand Lift of Rold, serving as a gateway to the Mountaintops of the Giants. Players access this area through the Rold Route, though finding it can be challenging without proper guidance. Here’s our comprehensive guide on locating the Rold Route in Elden Ring.
Where to find the Rold Route in Elden Ring

To discover the Rold Route in Elden Ring, begin at Leyndell, Royal Capital. Navigate through the Legacy Dungeon until you encounter Morgott, Omen King—who reveals himself as the true form of Margit, The Fell Omen. Conquering this adversary is essential for accessing the Rold Route, as it unlocks the massive doors in Leyndell that guard the lift—this battle is also crucial for completing the game.
Following Morgott’s defeat, Melina presents you with the Rold Medallion, a crucial item for operating the Grand Lift of Rold. Return to the Avenue Balcony Site of Grace, ascend the staircase, and turn left along Leyndell’s primary thoroughfare. Follow this path until you encounter an enormous doorway. Having vanquished The Omen King and acquired the Rold Medallion, these doors will grant you passage.
The Rold Route stretches before you. Exercise caution in this section, as it harbors numerous formidable foes. Beyond the massive doors, you’ll enter an ash-covered region. A staircase lies ahead, but watch for patrolling lesser enemies and a particularly aggressive opponent in the rear that could pose significant challenges.
Given the risk of being surrounded, you have two options—either dash up the stairway and across the bridge toward the Grand Lift of Rold or methodically engage enemies individually to collect all available treasures in the area.
Upon reaching the Grand Lift of Rold, simply Hoist the Rold Medallion to ride the elevator up to the Mountaintops of the Giants.