Among the more than 150 champions in League of Legends, certain characters stand out in popularity, particularly Lux, the Lady of Luminosity, a mid-tier difficulty mage who hails from Demacia.
Her appeal to new players stems from her straightforward abilities and simple combination patterns, making her equally attractive to both newcomers and experienced players.
Lux’s widespread appeal has resulted in frequent skin releases throughout the years. Currently, she has more than 15 different skins available, excluding her Prestige Edition variants. Among these, the Elementalist Lux skin stands as one of the most remarkable additions, not just for Lux but in League of Legends history.
Elementalist Lux skin explained
Elementalist Lux is an Ultimate tier skin purchasable in the League store for 3,250 RP. What makes this skin unique is that Elementalist Lux begins each game in Light form, with the ability to evolve throughout the match.

Players choose their initial elemental transformation, while the second transformation depends on combining two distinct elements.
Players can transform Elementalist Lux twice per match, with access to 10 different forms. After reaching her second transformation, Lux cannot gather additional Elemental Power.
Let’s explore the various Elementalist Lux element combinations available.
All Elementalist Lux element combinations

The Elementalist Skin allows players to combine Nature, Fire, Air, and Water elements to create Storm, Ice, Dark, Magma, and Mystic forms.
To unlock specific Elementalist Lux skin transformations, combine these elements:
- Air + Fire = Storm
- Fire + Air = Storm
- Air + Water = Ice
- Water + Air = Ice
- Air + Nature = Dark
- Fire + Water = Dark
- Fire + Nature = Magma
- Nature + Fire = Magma
- Water + Nature = Mystic
- Nature + Water = Mystic
Though experiencing all Elementalist Lux skin combinations in a single match isn’t possible, this skin remains one of League’s most entertaining options.
How to transform as Elementalist Lux
Elementalist Lux accumulates Elemental Power by inflicting damage on enemies. Upon reaching sufficient power levels, she can undergo transformation. A selector appears above Lux’s portrait, enabling element selection for transformation. The first transformation typically becomes available around 10 minutes, with the second following 10 to 15 minutes after.