
Forge Construct locations provide the most dependable source for acquiring Zonai Charges, Large Zonai Charges, and Crystallized Charges in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. These resources are crucial as they serve as the main currency for obtaining Zonai Devices from Device Dispensers.

These Zonai Devices enable you to craft various structures using your Ultrahand ability; however, this requires a substantial amount of Zonai Charges. Although battling Constructs is an effective method to gather Zonai Charges, you might soon deplete the available enemies to harvest from.

This is where Forge Constructs come to your rescue, and if you’re similar to me, you’ll soon appreciate the importance of documenting each location. Since Forge Construct locations are situated in dimly lit areas, remember to carry some form of light source when visiting these spots.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you locate every Forge Construct in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

All Forge Construct locations in Tears of the Kingdom

The following list contains all of the Forge Construct locations in Tears of the Kingdom. While your first encounter with Forge Constructs happens in the starting area of the Great Sky Island, you’ll find the vast majority situated within The Depths.

The Great Sky Island Forge Construct

Situated at coordinates (3298, 0424, 0112), this Forge Construct serves as your initial introduction near the beginning of your adventure.

Great Abandoned Central Mine Forge Construct


This Forge Construct can be found at (-0274, 0125, 0019). Located deep within The Depths, you’ll need to locate the Forest of Time Chasm and travel westward to reach this location.

Abandoned Lurelin Mine Forge Construct

The Lurelin Mine exists within The Depths. For those who have explored the area previously, it’s positioned near the Mimufis Lightroot fast travel point, at coordinates (-0860, -1942, -0523).

Abandoned Hateno Mine Forge Construct


Named after the renowned town above ground, the Abandoned Hateno Mine offers another location to purchase various Zonai Devices. This Forge Construct is located at coordinates (2947, -3372, -0453). The nearest fast-travel point is Kimnaz Lightroot.

During your exploration of the Depths in search of Forge Constructs, take time to explore interesting structures or enemy encampments you encounter. The underground realm of Hyrule contains abundant treasures, including numerous chests containing distinctive armor pieces that pay homage to previous The Legend of Zelda games!

Abandoned Lanayru Mine Forge Construct

The Abandoned Lanayru Mine can be accessed near the Kawagom Lightroot fast travel point, situated at coordinates (3522, -2913, -0588). From this location, you’ll only need to traverse a small body of water to access the Forge Construct, where you can purchase various items including Crystallized Charges and Zonai Charges.

Abandoned Kara Kara Mine Forge Construct


Within The Depths lies another significant location – the Kara Kara Mine, which features its own Forge Construct nearby. You can find this mine at coordinates (-3192, -2451, -0474), with the Forge Construct positioned just south of this location.

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