
As a formidable member of your party, Karlach’s combat prowess can be enhanced even further through strategic feat selection. For those seeking the optimal feats for Karlach in Baldur’s Gate 3, we’ve compiled our top recommendations.

While Karlach begins her journey as a Barbarian, you have the option to modify her class through a conversation with Withers at camp. The feat recommendations below are specifically tailored to complement her initial Barbarian class.

Here are the most effective feats for Karlach in Baldur’s Gate 3.

What are feats in BG3?

During character progression in Baldur’s Gate 3, you’ll periodically have opportunities to enhance your characters with feats. These feats are special characteristics that modify your character’s statistics, spell capabilities, combat abilities, or core mechanics.

Best feats for Karlach in BG3


Feats become available at levels four, eight, and twelve, providing three opportunities to select feats for this tiefling Barbarian companion. Given her Barbarian class, Karlach benefits most from feats that enhance her offensive output and defensive capabilities in battle. Fortunately, there are numerous suitable options available.

Here are our recommended feats for Karlach, with detailed explanations for each choice below:

  • Savage Attacker
  • Great Weapon Master
  • Tough

While Ability Score Improvements are always an option, selecting specific feats can result in substantial power increases for your character.

Savage Attacker

Savage Attacker is essential for maximizing Karlach’s potential. Throughout my playthrough, Karlach consistently delivered powerful melee damage and typically initiated combat encounters. This feat allows you to roll two dice for each weapon attack and select the higher result.

This mechanic significantly improves Karlach’s accuracy, subsequently increasing her chances of scoring critical hits. While Savage Attacker proves valuable for any melee damage dealer in BG3, it’s particularly crucial for Karlach’s success.

Great Weapon Master

Great Weapon Master provides a powerful benefit: when you defeat an enemy with a melee attack, you gain an additional attack as a bonus action during that turn. Additionally, proficient weapon attacks deal 10 extra damage, though at the cost of a five-point penalty to your attack roll.

While the attack roll penalty might seem significant, the previously mentioned Savage Attacker feat helps offset this disadvantage. In my BG3 experience, Karlach frequently secured multiple kills, making the bonus attacks invaluable for clearing groups of enemies efficiently.


Finally, Tough serves as an excellent complement to Karlach’s role as a damage-absorbing frontliner. This feat significantly enhances her survivability by providing two additional maximum hit points for each level you’ve attained in your journey. Selecting this feat at higher levels results in a substantial boost to Karlach’s overall health pool, making her even more resilient in combat.

For those interested in expanding Karlach’s defensive capabilities, the Heavily Armored feat presents an attractive option. Despite her extensive list of proficiencies, Heavy Armor remains notably absent from her repertoire, even though it would naturally suit her combat style.

It’s worth noting that Barbarians inherently lack armor proficiencies unless specifically acquired through feats, making it crucial to ensure their durability through other means. A incapacitated or fallen Karlach significantly diminishes your party’s combat effectiveness.

Others Asked

Why is Great Weapon Master considered the best feat for Barbarians in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Great Weapon Master stands out as the premier feat choice due to its ability to add plus-10 to damage rolls when using two-handed melee weapons, coupled with the opportunity to make an additional attack as a bonus action upon scoring a critical hit or defeating an enemy, substantially increasing overall damage output.

What unique feature does Baldur’s Gate 3 offer to its players?

Baldur’s Gate 3 distinguishes itself by offering players unprecedented freedom, including the ability to eliminate crucial story-related characters.

How does the second patch change the gameplay experience for Karlach, the Origin Character in Baldur’s Gate 3?

The patch enhances Karlach’s narrative conclusion by introducing additional ending possibilities, addressing community feedback regarding previously limited resolution options.

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