The classroom challenges in Persona games are famously difficult, and Persona 3 Reload continues this tradition. During the April 18th lesson, the history teacher Mr. Ono, known for his samurai fascination, presents a challenging question about the Jomon era. It’s quite a leap to expect students to know the technical term for ancient Jomon waste disposal sites.
Unlike the first classroom interaction on April 8th, where Ms. Toriumi thoughtfully provides context before posing her question, Mr. Ono jumps straight in without any preparation. Gone are the initial helpful hints, and unless you’re particularly well-versed in Japanese historical facts, you might need to seek some digital assistance—purely for educational purposes, of course.
What are the places where people dumped their waste in the Jomon period called nowadays?

Mr. Ono, in his characteristically detailed style, phrases the question: “The places where people dumped their waste in the Jomon period—what are they called nowadays?” Students must choose between Boneyards, Middens, or Hovels. Without access to research materials, many might gravitate toward Hovels as a logical guess. Even with modern search capabilities, finding this specific information proves surprisingly challenging.
However, research reveals that the correct answer is Middens. In contemporary terminology, these Jomon-era waste disposal sites are indeed called middens. These locations, also referred to as “shell heaps,” aren’t unique to Japanese archaeology but are discovered at historical sites globally.
Throughout history, communities would create these waste accumulation sites near their settlements, which have become invaluable to modern archaeology. These deposits contained everything from human waste to discarded shells, animal remains, and plant matter. These ancient dumping grounds now serve as crucial research sites, helping archaeologists understand ancient civilizations’ daily lives and dietary habits.
During which historical period were middens most commonly used?

Successfully answering Mr. Ono’s question in class rewards you with a +1 increase to your Charm social stat, earning admiration from your fellow students. However, don’t be discouraged if you miss this one—redemption awaits during the midterm examinations. The history assessment takes place on Friday morning, May 22nd, where your knowledge of prehistoric waste management will once again be put to the test.
In this instance, the question is flipped, asking students to identify “During which historical period were middens most commonly used?” with four options to consider: Jomon, Yayoi, Kofun, or Asuka. The prevalence of middens peaked during the Jomon period, making Jomon the definitive answer. Select this option to demonstrate your historical knowledge. While this particular answer won’t immediately enhance your social statistics, your overall midterm performance will be evaluated at the week’s conclusion.
Following the midterm examinations, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with Mitsuru and acquire various items based on your academic performance. The available rewards include:
- Guard Increase I
- Speed Increase I
- Magic Increase I
- Power Increase I
- Proto-Choker
It’s important to note that obtaining the Proto-Choker requires achieving the highest possible score, which is only attainable if your Academics attribute has reached at least level 3.